Monday, October 15, 2012

Dungeon - New Version Coming

A new version of my favorite childhood game is due to be released very soon. I have already pre-ordered three copies. I intend to give my nephews the same opportunity I had as a child for such memories. This is one of those games that, judged all by itself, would not rate very high in my book, but because of the theme and the memories it is still a favorite. I even still play the game from time-to-time with my nephews and since finding a solo scenario recently I have even played by myself too. I highly recommend playing this with any youngster who shows an interest in this type of game.



  1. Looking forwardto this one,plaid the original a lot with my cousins growing up. Wish it had plastic pieces though :(


  2. I am just going to take a few plastic minis from the D&D Minis and throw them in the box. For $20 bucks though, you can't find many board games these days for that price.
